Nowadays, we are assisting to an increased interest in developing ICT solutions capable of improving the energy usage within houses. Increased energy efficiency and savings is a fundamental goal to contribute to the Sustainable Growth that is specified by the “Europe 2020” strategy.
A common though is that energy saving is achievable by letting the consumers
be aware about the energy used by their household appliances, because most people have no idea on how electricity is generated or how it gets into their home. In this respect, a complete solution for monitoring and controlling the household appliances and devices is of great importance.
Monergy will address these issues carrying out fundamental research about home-automation and developing concrete solutions for the increase of energy efficiency in the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Carinthia homes.
Vi è un accresciuto interesse verso lo sviluppo di soluzioni ICT in grado di controllare e razionalizzare l’utilizzo dell’energia elettrica nelle abitazioni. Maggiore efficienza e risparmio energetico sono un obiettivo fondamentale per contribuire ad una crescita sostenibile, come richiesto dalla strategia “Europa 2020”.
Molte persone non sono a conoscenza di come l’energia elettrica sia generata o come essa sia distribuita nelle loro case. Aumentando la consapevolezza degli utenti è possibile indurre un utilizzo responsabile dell’energia elettrica e conseguentemente contribuire ad un risparmio in termini di quantita’ consumata e di costi. A tal fine, assumono un ruolo rilevante i sistemi di automazione domestica (domotici) che consentono di monitorare i consumi e di attuare strategie di controllo intelligente dei dispositivi elettrici ed elettronici.
MONERGY è un progetto in cui si svolgera’ attivita’ di ricerca in questo contesto e si sviluperanno soluzioni ICT concrete a beneficio delgli utenti della Carinzia e del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Nowadays, we are
assisting to an increased
interest in developing ICT solutions capable of controlling and rationalise the energy usage within houses. Increased energy efficiency and saving are fundamental goals to contribute to the sustainable growth as specified by the “Europe 2020” strategy.
Many people are not aware of how electricity is generated or distributed in their houses. It is therefore possible to induce a responsible use of the energy and thus contribute to save it in terms of quantity and costs by increasing the users’ awareness. To this end, home automation systems (domotics) that allow for monitoring energy consumption and making feasible smart control strategies of electric and electronic devices play a relevant role.
MONERGY is a project that will carry out research activity in this context and further it will develop concrete ICT solutions for the benefit of the users of Carinthia and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions.
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